Summer Revitalising Detox


It’s that time of the year again when we are looking to get back into shape for the summer days spent on the beach or in less clothing exposing more of our lumps and bumps 🙂

What better way to kickstart this by doing a simple 7 day detox, (or longer if you prefer).

Why would detoxing benefit you?

By doing a detox, you are giving your organs a break, allowing them to operate more efficiently, and removing toxins that cause inflammation in the body.

Our bodies detox daily, but in the modern world we are bombarded with toxins every day. Toxins are found in the air we breathe, the foods we eat, chemicals in the water, pollutants, pesticides, household cleansers, and beauty products (including makeup, lotions, shampoo, hair dyes and perfumes).

Toxins enter the bloodstream, and the liver works hard to detoxify the body of these harmful substances. When the liver becomes overworked and sluggish, all the detoxification pathways suffer, and your health suffers.

Your body protects you from harmful toxins by producing mucous or fat to prevent an immune reaction. But what happens when there are too many toxins in the body and too much mucous as a result? Your body can carry up to 7kg of mucous, which can lead to excess weight, fatigue, poor digestion, food intolerances, and a weakened immune system.

There are numerous benefits to detoxifying:

  • Have clearer skin
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Lose unwanted weight and bloating
  • Release stored fat
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve your digestion
  • Boost your immune system

Contact to purchase your Body Revitalising Detox and eat clean for a week to start working towards the body you really want!

Happy Detoxing! 🙂

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