Natural Body Cream

“If you can’t eat it then don’t put it on your body.” I’m sure a lot of you have heard this statement.

There are a lot of toxins in body lotions and whether or not it does get absorbed straight into the blood stream or not I’d rather just use natural products. This one that I make smells lovely and feels wonderful on the skin.

1 cup Cacao Butter
1/2 Cup coconut oil
Optional: Essential Oils for your choice of scent

Melt down over a double boiler system (Helps keep the lovely scent of the cacao butter)

Cacao Butter and Coconut oil in a ‘double boiler’ to melt them down without cooking them.

Pour into a glass container and let it set on the counter for an hour. Then you can put it into the fridge to set properly.

You can use more coconut oil if you live in a cooler area as the cacao butter will make it quite hard. And if you live in a really hot area then add more cacao butter so it doesn’t become too liquidy. You can use a stick of sorts to get it out, I’ve washed an old ice-cream spoon and use this 🙂

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