How to ease gas and bloating after meals

Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables are some of the most nutritious foods available to us. I recently did some research on helping a client prepare their body for pregnancy with what to eat and take while being pregnant. These 3 foods came up over and over again as being full of so many nutrients and especially helpful while being pregnant. These nutrients include protein, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, choline and vitamin C to name a few.
So we really want to be eating a lot of these foods to enjoy their benefits.

Suggested Read: 7 Health Benefits of Eating Broccoli

But what if they cause you gas?

The cruciferous foods are high in fibre and a specific complex carbohydrate (raffinose) which some people have a hard time breaking down, perhaps due to not enough stomach acid, or enough of the particular bacteria that breaks down these foods. So it’s not the broccoli causing the gas but the bacteria working overtime in your intestines, resulting in cabon dioxide, nitrogen and methane.

Here are 7 ways to help with the gas from the broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts or any foods you eat:

  • Chew your food really well so your stomach has a lot less work to do in the digestive process
  • Start with really small amounts of these specific foods so there is less for your body to process, reducing your amount of gas. You can build up the amount you eat over time to give your body chance to adjust and get used to digesting these foods.
  • Cook them a little longer so it is easier for your body to break it down.
  • Eat the broccoli sprouts. These are packed with way more nutrients gram for gram and they are really easy for our bodies to digest.
  • Sip on peppermint or rooibos tea after eating. Peppermint has antispasmodic and relaxing properties and can help relieve cramps and bloating in the digestive tract.
  • Chew on caraway seeds or anise seeds after eating or add them to hot water and let them steep for a few minutes and drink as a tea. They are very helpful in easing indigestion as they have antispasmodic properties which help to release gas and ease the bloating.
  • Fennel seeds are also beneficial in reducing gas and bloating. The compounds found in fennel are anti inflammatory and antispasmodic which relax the muscles in the intestines and help pass the trapped gas.

If you have indigestion and you’re not eating many of these foods consider doing the following:

  • Stop drinking carbonated beverages
  • Cut down on allergy causing foods such as dairy and wheat
  • Stop chewing gum
  • Stop smoking
  • Do some exercise after eating like a little walk around the neighbourhood
  • Take a probiotic supplement to increase the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract

It may be really uncomfortable now, but by adjusting your diet and making small changes the indigestion, gas and bloating can improve.

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