Chickpea “Tuna Mayo” Recipe

The Thrive & Shine Chickpea “Tuna Mayo”

I’ve seen this recipe all over social media so I thought I would give it a try, and it really was yummy. 

I altered it slightly because I didn’t have any plant based mayo on hand so I made up my own version and it really works for me. 
The ingredients are simple and healthy.

The Recipe

1 tin of chickpeas
1 tablespoon tahini
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon olive or flax oil
1 cup cucumber
1 cup tomatoes
1/2 cup coriander (cilantro)
Pinch salt and pepper

If you like chunky pieces then mash the chickpeas with a potato masher.
Mix the tahini, honey, lemon juice and oil together and pour over the chickpeas. 
Mix together well. 
Chop the cucumber, tomatoes and coriander and add it to the chickpeas. 
Mix them well together. 
Add the salt and pepper to taste. 

If you like it smoother then mix the chickpeas, honey, tahini, oil and lemon juice together in a food processor. 
Chop up your tomatoes, cucumber and coriander and add them to the chickpeas. 
Add the salt and pepper to taste. 

If you usually like yours more ‘mayonnaisy’ then adjust the liquid ingredients to your taste. 

Don’t like coriander? Add basil instead. 

You can have this with salads, or on a healthy gluten free bread. 

Chickpea ‘Tuna-Mayo’

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