Children Learn from Everything You Say and Do

Children imitate everything that you say and do.

And frustratingly don’t listen to what you tell them to do.
But they are always learning from you.

Do you want your child to eat more fruit and vegetables and drink more green juices? Start to eat and drink these things (and have less ‘bad’ temptations available).

Do you want your child to have a positive body image? Show them how you talk to yourself positively, appreciate your body and express it.

If you want your child to look after themselves then they need to see you looking after yourself.
Let them see you nourishing yourself in ways that make you feel happy.
Take some time for yourself and let them see you doing it, let them know how important it is.

How do you talk to yourself? How do you talk to your partner? How do you speak to people that you don’t know? They are always listening and watching.

How do you talk to them? That voice in your head that is always judging and criticizing yourself is likely some of the things that your parents said to you, because that’s how their caregivers spoke to them.

Be kind and look after you, and your children will imitate that 🌟

To all the parents out there, you are doing an amazing job, it’s not always easy and the kids may not follow your instructions but you are great.

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