Why We Shouldn’t Fear Failure

Have you ever been too afraid to try something because of the fear of failing?

That has been me.

And yet in the last few years I have realised that failure isn’t really failure. It’s just a place to learn, and therefore grow as a human.

I think that the word failure has such a negative meaning attached to it that people fear it.
But it is not to be feared.

I have heard so many coaches over the years say that if you’re not failing it means you’re not trying. If you haven’t received a certain amount of ‘no’s’ in your life then you’re not trying.

I didn’t like that, but now I’ve grown to understand it.

Failure = Learning = Growth

A lot of people are ‘perfectionists’ which means that they don’t put a course online, or do online videos, or create that masterpiece or sing that song because they don’t think it is going to be perfect. So they don’t do it at all.
Imagine if all the musicians and authors never created their work. We would have no amazing music to listen to or no books to get lost in.
We may think that they are so talented that ‘of course they would do it’. But they are humans too and also get nervous and worry what other people may think.

Just because you get the answer ‘no’ from someone, doesn’t mean that you must give up, it just means that it is a no from that person. It is no reflection on you.

I’ve heard of people who have written books and no one wanted to publish their work. So they self published and their books went on to be international best sellers. And then publishers were knocking at their door offering to publish their next book.

If I have to think about how many people didn’t end up working with me as a coach and let it get to me, I’d never coach again.

But there are so many people who I have coached, and have achieved amazing results.
Not everyone is for everyone.

We like different things, we come from different backgrounds, and we have different tastes in everything. Which means not everyone is a match.

Make crazy, ridiculous, hairy, scary big goals

Even if you don’t get the actual goals that you set, you may get half of the goals, which is more than you would get if you didn’t make them at all.
You could consider it a failure that you never go them, or you could consider it a win that you achieved half of them.

How do you know until you try?

I’m about to launch an online group coaching program to live a healthy Plant Based Lifestyle, rather than being a junk food vegan.

I don’t know if it’s going to work, and if I even enjoy coaching a group online.

But I won’t know until I try.

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