Why Does Health Seem To Be So Confusing?

I know there are many people who have been ‘trying everything’ for years and still haven’t reached their health goals.  I can understand, it is really confusing out there. There are so many diets which are so restrictive that by the time you’re done you can’t wait to get back to ‘normal’ life. All theContinueContinue reading “Why Does Health Seem To Be So Confusing?”

Did you know that your body loves you?

Did you know that your body loves you? Every moment of every day it is working hard to keep you alive, to keep you functioning as best it can.  It is sorting through all the food and drinks you consume. It’s filtering the toxins from the atmosphere, the toxins from the ‘body care products’ youContinueContinue reading “Did you know that your body loves you?”

Healthy Tips This Festive Season

What a year! This is possibly one of the weirdest festive season you’ve ever experienced, to top off one of the weirdest years ever. Restrictions, limitations and uncertainty.Add to that the usual festive season frustrations of over indulging, interacting with family members and dealing with stress. So enjoy yourself as much as possible, enjoy your family andContinueContinue reading “Healthy Tips This Festive Season”

You Are Your Own Best Healer

You are your own best nutritionist / doctor / healer. Only you can know how your body feels. You actually do know what works best in your body you just might not have been taught how.When you allow yourself the time to properly tune in, you get to know, you get to figure it out.  YouContinueContinue reading “You Are Your Own Best Healer”

Look after your body like you would look after your dream car

​Getting healthy isn’t just a once off thing where you do a cleanse for a week or 2 or maybe for a month, and then get back to your normal diet. ​ It is an ongoing lifestyle that needs to evolve over time as your body evolves.  Our bodies are finely tuned machines that areContinueContinue reading “Look after your body like you would look after your dream car”

Journey of Self Love

Self-Love. I’ve read these words on numerous websites and social media pages. But I never really took much notice of it because I thought that I’d done a pretty good job of loving myself.I thought that because I feed my body well with really healthy food, I put toxic chemicals in and on my bodyContinueContinue reading “Journey of Self Love”

How to Trust Your Body

I think now more than ever, in the times we currently find ourselves in, is that we need to invest in our health, both physically and mentally.I try not to watch much news, only for the updates and important information and then switch it off. But over the last month I’ve seen so many posts,ContinueContinue reading “How to Trust Your Body”

What do you have to live for?

I recently read ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ by Viktor E. Frankl. It is such an inspirational book. There are so many take home messages and quotes to really think about. The one that stands out for me right now is: “Those who have a WHY to live can bear almost any HOW”. Or my wayContinueContinue reading “What do you have to live for?”

Conscious Eating and Self-Love

I recently listened to one of my favourite teachers, Teal Swan, being interviewed on the Hay House World Summit. She was being asked about self-love and how you can start to love yourself more or to even love yourself at all. She talked about being conscious while eating and drinking and how you can link this to startingContinueContinue reading “Conscious Eating and Self-Love”