Children Learn from Everything You Say and Do

Children imitate everything that you say and do. And frustratingly don’t listen to what you tell them to do.But they are always learning from you. Do you want your child to eat more fruit and vegetables and drink more green juices? Start to eat and drink these things (and have less ‘bad’ temptations available). DoContinueContinue reading “Children Learn from Everything You Say and Do”

Things I Didn’t Expect to Heal When I Changed My Lifestyle

Back in 2007 when I was working in the corporate industry, my health was at its lowest and I had many issues that I needed to heal. Thankfully with some research I found the tools to do it naturally and my journey to health started. What I didn’t expect was a much calmer mind. Just eating aContinueContinue reading “Things I Didn’t Expect to Heal When I Changed My Lifestyle”

How Is Being Unwell Serving You?

Have you been trying to heal your body of whatever ailment you are plagued with, only to revert back to being unwell again? You just don’t seem to be able to get over it and move on?  Do you offload to friends and family and perhaps even on forums about how bad, tired or illContinueContinue reading “How Is Being Unwell Serving You?”

What are your Love Languages?

Why is it beneficial to know your love language/s? We all express our love in different ways.Once you are aware of the way you express it, it can really benefit you and the people around you.  Romantic relationships can be challenging and anything that will help to make things easier is always welcome.But it doesn’tContinueContinue reading “What are your Love Languages?”