7 Healthy Smoothie Recipes

I love smoothies. They’re quick to make and a quick way to get an abundance of nutrients into your body. You can mix a number of different fruits to get a variety of nutrients and antioxidants. If you put green powders or medicinal herbs in, you can easily hide them with chocolate powders or otherContinueContinue reading “7 Healthy Smoothie Recipes”

4 Ways to Eat a Healthy Plant Based Diet

I know a lot of people would like to transform to eating a much healthier diet but do not know how to or where to start. There are so many diet’s ‘out there’ that you can get confused with what to eat. Transforming to a vegan/plant-based lifestyle can also be quite confusing. I have workedContinueContinue reading “4 Ways to Eat a Healthy Plant Based Diet”

My 5 Top Supplements

I think these days whether you are vegan or a big meat eater or somewhere in between we all need to supplement. My opinion on this is because of the mass production of food nowadays. Crops are not rotated enough anymore, and the soil is not given the time to recuperate. Only a handful ofContinueContinue reading “My 5 Top Supplements”

9 Benefits of eating sprouts + sprouting tips

For anyone who knows me or has worked with me you’ll know how much I love sprouts, I always recommend everyone to grow them. Come to my kitchen and no doubt you’ll see them growing on my windowsill or sitting draining in the drying rack. My favourite ones are alfalfa, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, fenugreek, and sunflower. SomeContinueContinue reading “9 Benefits of eating sprouts + sprouting tips”

How to Trust Your Body

I think now more than ever, in the times we currently find ourselves in, is that we need to invest in our health, both physically and mentally.I try not to watch much news, only for the updates and important information and then switch it off. But over the last month I’ve seen so many posts,ContinueContinue reading “How to Trust Your Body”

Why Be Healthy?

I think deep down we all know we need to make healthier choices. It can feel like hard work and that you really don’t want to do it and that you’d rather just do it when you really have to. Every day we are taking in toxins that our body and more specifically our liverContinueContinue reading “Why Be Healthy?”

Natural Body Cream

“If you can’t eat it then don’t put it on your body.” I’m sure a lot of you have heard this statement.There are a lot of toxins in body lotions and whether or not it does get absorbed straight into the blood stream or not I’d rather just use natural products. This one that IContinueContinue reading “Natural Body Cream”

Rejuvenating Yoga and Health Retreat

Retreats with Thrive & Shine are a time to relax, indulge in healthy, nourishing foods and be looked after by someone else for a change. It’s the perfect time to unwind and the only thing to think about is your happiness. Join like-minded ladies on a journey of rediscovery. Retreat Options: 2 Night 3 NightContinueContinue reading “Rejuvenating Yoga and Health Retreat”

Summer Revitalising Detox

It’s that time of the year again when we are looking to get back into shape for the summer days spent on the beach or in less clothing exposing more of our lumps and bumps 🙂 What better way to kickstart this by doing a simple 7 day detox, (or longer if you prefer). Why wouldContinueContinue reading “Summer Revitalising Detox”

Crunchy mint chocolate recipe

I used to love chocolate as a kid and the minty ones were usually my favourites. Just because I don’t eat the ‘normal’ chocolates anymore doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the numerous flavours I enjoyed when I was younger. Here is a crispy mint chocolate recipe that is so delicious and healthy. Now I love my chocolatesContinueContinue reading “Crunchy mint chocolate recipe”