9 Benefits of eating sprouts + sprouting tips

For anyone who knows me or has worked with me you’ll know how much I love sprouts, I always recommend everyone to grow them. Come to my kitchen and no doubt you’ll see them growing on my windowsill or sitting draining in the drying rack. My favourite ones are alfalfa, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, fenugreek, and sunflower. SomeContinueContinue reading “9 Benefits of eating sprouts + sprouting tips”

Summer Revitalising Detox

It’s that time of the year again when we are looking to get back into shape for the summer days spent on the beach or in less clothing exposing more of our lumps and bumps 🙂 What better way to kickstart this by doing a simple 7 day detox, (or longer if you prefer). Why wouldContinueContinue reading “Summer Revitalising Detox”