Why We Shouldn’t Fear Failure

Have you ever been too afraid to try something because of the fear of failing? That has been me.And yet in the last few years I have realised that failure isn’t really failure. It’s just a place to learn, and therefore grow as a human. I think that the word failure has such a negativeContinueContinue reading “Why We Shouldn’t Fear Failure”

We All Need Someone To Talk To, It’s Important to Reach Out

About 9 years ago I was not dealing very well with a situation happening in my life. I was overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and slumped into a depression. I was binge eating to numb the pain that I was feeling. And I couldn’t digest the food properly because I was feeling so anxious which didn’t make me feelContinueContinue reading “We All Need Someone To Talk To, It’s Important to Reach Out”

4 Ways to Invest In Your Future

Your Health Is Your Wealth, Invest In Your Future We’re taught from a fairly young age to save for our future.Which is good advice, we don’t want to be left with nothing and have to struggle in our later years.  But what about ‘saving our body for our future’? My sister and I were walkingContinueContinue reading “4 Ways to Invest In Your Future”

Did you know that your body loves you?

Did you know that your body loves you? Every moment of every day it is working hard to keep you alive, to keep you functioning as best it can.  It is sorting through all the food and drinks you consume. It’s filtering the toxins from the atmosphere, the toxins from the ‘body care products’ youContinueContinue reading “Did you know that your body loves you?”

You Are Your Own Best Healer

You are your own best nutritionist / doctor / healer. Only you can know how your body feels. You actually do know what works best in your body you just might not have been taught how.When you allow yourself the time to properly tune in, you get to know, you get to figure it out.  YouContinueContinue reading “You Are Your Own Best Healer”

7 Health Benefits of Eating Broccoli

I recently worked with someone on healthy ways to prepare her body for pregnancy. Broccoli kept coming up as one of the healthiest vegetables to get a lot of her necessary nutrients in. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, K and B complex, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium;ContinueContinue reading “7 Health Benefits of Eating Broccoli”

Look after your body like you would look after your dream car

​Getting healthy isn’t just a once off thing where you do a cleanse for a week or 2 or maybe for a month, and then get back to your normal diet. ​ It is an ongoing lifestyle that needs to evolve over time as your body evolves.  Our bodies are finely tuned machines that areContinueContinue reading “Look after your body like you would look after your dream car”

Why I Eat as Healthy as Possible

People often used to ask me why I eat as healthy as I do. And I think that until you feel so uncomfortable in your body, in so much pain and really struggling every day, that you are so desperate to try anything, you don’t really understand why anyone would be really particular with theirContinueContinue reading “Why I Eat as Healthy as Possible”

Journey of Self Love

Self-Love. I’ve read these words on numerous websites and social media pages. But I never really took much notice of it because I thought that I’d done a pretty good job of loving myself.I thought that because I feed my body well with really healthy food, I put toxic chemicals in and on my bodyContinueContinue reading “Journey of Self Love”

6 Ways to Stay Hydrated

How much water or fresh fruit and vegetable juices do you drink every day? Most of us are probably mildly to chronically dehydrated from not drinking much water, going all the way back to our childhood. Nowadays most people’s diets are not hydrating enough either. We don’t even need to feel thirsty to need toContinueContinue reading “6 Ways to Stay Hydrated”