What Is Lycopene and How Does It Benefit Our Bodies?

I was looking up the nutrient profile of grapefruit the other day because I have been adding it to my juices.I felt really good consuming it so I wanted to know what was in it and share this information. What I found is that it has lycopene in it. I remember reading about lycopene aContinueContinue reading “What Is Lycopene and How Does It Benefit Our Bodies?”

Summer Revitalising Detox

It’s that time of the year again when we are looking to get back into shape for the summer days spent on the beach or in less clothing exposing more of our lumps and bumps 🙂 What better way to kickstart this by doing a simple 7 day detox, (or longer if you prefer). Why wouldContinueContinue reading “Summer Revitalising Detox”