Do You Suffer from Food Hangovers?

You know that feeling when you’ve had too much to drink and you often end up with a hangover the next day? I’m sure a lot of you can relate. You really can’t function, sometimes have a headache, may want to throw up, want to sleep all day and are just unmotivated and lethargic. This isContinueContinue reading “Do You Suffer from Food Hangovers?”

What are your Love Languages?

Why is it beneficial to know your love language/s? We all express our love in different ways.Once you are aware of the way you express it, it can really benefit you and the people around you.  Romantic relationships can be challenging and anything that will help to make things easier is always welcome.But it doesn’tContinueContinue reading “What are your Love Languages?”

Why Be Healthy?

I think deep down we all know we need to make healthier choices. It can feel like hard work and that you really don’t want to do it and that you’d rather just do it when you really have to. Every day we are taking in toxins that our body and more specifically our liverContinueContinue reading “Why Be Healthy?”