Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Zinc

Zinc is one of the most vital nutrients we need for our bodies.  It is used in so many of our bodily functions and if we do not top up on our reserves of zinc we can show signs of deficiency and even become seriously ill.  Zinc deficienty can look like: a weakened immune systemContinueContinue reading “Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Zinc”

How To Listen To Your Body

Our bodies want us to be healthy. They have the ability to get back to a healthy state when given the correct fuel; in the form of rest, food and drink, exercise, outdoors, fun, less media or more happy media, people we surround ourselves with, and the ability to manage our stress. Think of yourContinueContinue reading “How To Listen To Your Body”

4 Ways to Invest In Your Future

Your Health Is Your Wealth, Invest In Your Future We’re taught from a fairly young age to save for our future.Which is good advice, we don’t want to be left with nothing and have to struggle in our later years.  But what about ‘saving our body for our future’? My sister and I were walkingContinueContinue reading “4 Ways to Invest In Your Future”

How Is Being Unwell Serving You?

Have you been trying to heal your body of whatever ailment you are plagued with, only to revert back to being unwell again? You just don’t seem to be able to get over it and move on?  Do you offload to friends and family and perhaps even on forums about how bad, tired or illContinueContinue reading “How Is Being Unwell Serving You?”

What are your Love Languages?

Why is it beneficial to know your love language/s? We all express our love in different ways.Once you are aware of the way you express it, it can really benefit you and the people around you.  Romantic relationships can be challenging and anything that will help to make things easier is always welcome.But it doesn’tContinueContinue reading “What are your Love Languages?”

Why Does Health Seem To Be So Confusing?

I know there are many people who have been ‘trying everything’ for years and still haven’t reached their health goals.  I can understand, it is really confusing out there. There are so many diets which are so restrictive that by the time you’re done you can’t wait to get back to ‘normal’ life. All theContinueContinue reading “Why Does Health Seem To Be So Confusing?”

Did you know that your body loves you?

Did you know that your body loves you? Every moment of every day it is working hard to keep you alive, to keep you functioning as best it can.  It is sorting through all the food and drinks you consume. It’s filtering the toxins from the atmosphere, the toxins from the ‘body care products’ youContinueContinue reading “Did you know that your body loves you?”

Why Is Too Much Salt Bad For Our Hearts?

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the western world for the last 2 decades (that’s as far back as I checked), including this year, even with the pandemic (as it currently stands). And the number of people dying from heart disease is increasing each year.  ToContinueContinue reading “Why Is Too Much Salt Bad For Our Hearts?”

Healthy Tips This Festive Season

What a year! This is possibly one of the weirdest festive season you’ve ever experienced, to top off one of the weirdest years ever. Restrictions, limitations and uncertainty.Add to that the usual festive season frustrations of over indulging, interacting with family members and dealing with stress. So enjoy yourself as much as possible, enjoy your family andContinueContinue reading “Healthy Tips This Festive Season”

Moringa, What Is It and Why Do We Need It?

Moringa is a tree that was originally native to India, other parts of Asia and Africa. Due to it’s health benefits it is now grown all over the world. Locals in the lesser developed communities, who do not have access to pharmaceutical medicine, use this plant to keep them healthy.  Moringa is also known as theContinueContinue reading “Moringa, What Is It and Why Do We Need It?”