Why Lemon Water Should Be Part of Your Daily Routine

​​I’m sure you’ve seen people drinking lemon water and wondered why someone would want to drink something so sour. And you may think that if you drink lemon water you won’t have any enamel left on your teeth. Here are some of the benefits of lemons and why you should be drinking more lemon water.  LemonContinueContinue reading “Why Lemon Water Should Be Part of Your Daily Routine”

You Are Your Own Best Healer

You are your own best nutritionist / doctor / healer. Only you can know how your body feels. You actually do know what works best in your body you just might not have been taught how.When you allow yourself the time to properly tune in, you get to know, you get to figure it out.  YouContinueContinue reading “You Are Your Own Best Healer”

7 Health Benefits of Eating Broccoli

I recently worked with someone on healthy ways to prepare her body for pregnancy. Broccoli kept coming up as one of the healthiest vegetables to get a lot of her necessary nutrients in. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients such as Vitamins A, C, K and B complex, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium;ContinueContinue reading “7 Health Benefits of Eating Broccoli”

How to ease gas and bloating after meals

Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables are some of the most nutritious foods available to us. I recently did some research on helping a client prepare their body for pregnancy with what to eat and take while being pregnant. These 3 foods came up over and over again as being full of soContinueContinue reading “How to ease gas and bloating after meals”

Look after your body like you would look after your dream car

​Getting healthy isn’t just a once off thing where you do a cleanse for a week or 2 or maybe for a month, and then get back to your normal diet. ​ It is an ongoing lifestyle that needs to evolve over time as your body evolves.  Our bodies are finely tuned machines that areContinueContinue reading “Look after your body like you would look after your dream car”

Why I Eat as Healthy as Possible

People often used to ask me why I eat as healthy as I do. And I think that until you feel so uncomfortable in your body, in so much pain and really struggling every day, that you are so desperate to try anything, you don’t really understand why anyone would be really particular with theirContinueContinue reading “Why I Eat as Healthy as Possible”

7 Healthy Smoothie Recipes

I love smoothies. They’re quick to make and a quick way to get an abundance of nutrients into your body. You can mix a number of different fruits to get a variety of nutrients and antioxidants. If you put green powders or medicinal herbs in, you can easily hide them with chocolate powders or otherContinueContinue reading “7 Healthy Smoothie Recipes”

4 Ways to Eat a Healthy Plant Based Diet

I know a lot of people would like to transform to eating a much healthier diet but do not know how to or where to start. There are so many diet’s ‘out there’ that you can get confused with what to eat. Transforming to a vegan/plant-based lifestyle can also be quite confusing. I have workedContinueContinue reading “4 Ways to Eat a Healthy Plant Based Diet”

Investing in Your Health is Your Wealth

I was speaking with some people this weekend and the topic of healthy eating came up. As usual the general consensus is that eating healthy is expensive. And yes it can be pricey. But what could the cost be to not eat healthy? There is a show on one of the BBC channels that IContinueContinue reading “Investing in Your Health is Your Wealth”

9 Benefits of eating sprouts + sprouting tips

For anyone who knows me or has worked with me you’ll know how much I love sprouts, I always recommend everyone to grow them. Come to my kitchen and no doubt you’ll see them growing on my windowsill or sitting draining in the drying rack. My favourite ones are alfalfa, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, fenugreek, and sunflower. SomeContinueContinue reading “9 Benefits of eating sprouts + sprouting tips”