Why Does Health Seem To Be So Confusing?

I know there are many people who have been ‘trying everything’ for years and still haven’t reached their health goals.  I can understand, it is really confusing out there. There are so many diets which are so restrictive that by the time you’re done you can’t wait to get back to ‘normal’ life. All theContinueContinue reading “Why Does Health Seem To Be So Confusing?”

Why Is Too Much Salt Bad For Our Hearts?

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the western world for the last 2 decades (that’s as far back as I checked), including this year, even with the pandemic (as it currently stands). And the number of people dying from heart disease is increasing each year.  ToContinueContinue reading “Why Is Too Much Salt Bad For Our Hearts?”