How to have healthy digestion

Stress, anxiety and our digestion I had a client recently who said that it’s so odd that when she eats with her partner her digestion is fine, but when she eats on her own she experiences digestive discomfort.So we did a little digging and we found out that her partner is very much in aContinueContinue reading “How to have healthy digestion”

We All Need Someone To Talk To, It’s Important to Reach Out

About 9 years ago I was not dealing very well with a situation happening in my life. I was overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and slumped into a depression. I was binge eating to numb the pain that I was feeling. And I couldn’t digest the food properly because I was feeling so anxious which didn’t make me feelContinueContinue reading “We All Need Someone To Talk To, It’s Important to Reach Out”

4 Benefits of Spending Time in Silence

When last did you give yourself time to just BE? I spent some time right by the ocean last week. Although I live about 15 minutes from the ocean anyway, this was a lot closer and I could walk there. Instead of getting stuck in the hustle and bustle of life I took the timeContinueContinue reading “4 Benefits of Spending Time in Silence”

Look after your body like you would look after your dream car

​Getting healthy isn’t just a once off thing where you do a cleanse for a week or 2 or maybe for a month, and then get back to your normal diet. ​ It is an ongoing lifestyle that needs to evolve over time as your body evolves.  Our bodies are finely tuned machines that areContinueContinue reading “Look after your body like you would look after your dream car”

Conscious Eating and Self-Love

I recently listened to one of my favourite teachers, Teal Swan, being interviewed on the Hay House World Summit. She was being asked about self-love and how you can start to love yourself more or to even love yourself at all. She talked about being conscious while eating and drinking and how you can link this to startingContinueContinue reading “Conscious Eating and Self-Love”