Things I Didn’t Expect to Heal When I Changed My Lifestyle

Back in 2007 when I was working in the corporate industry, my health was at its lowest and I had many issues that I needed to heal. Thankfully with some research I found the tools to do it naturally and my journey to health started. What I didn’t expect was a much calmer mind. Just eating aContinueContinue reading “Things I Didn’t Expect to Heal When I Changed My Lifestyle”

Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Zinc

Zinc is one of the most vital nutrients we need for our bodies.  It is used in so many of our bodily functions and if we do not top up on our reserves of zinc we can show signs of deficiency and even become seriously ill.  Zinc deficienty can look like: a weakened immune systemContinueContinue reading “Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Zinc”

Chickpea “Tuna Mayo” Recipe

The Thrive & Shine Chickpea “Tuna Mayo” I’ve seen this recipe all over social media so I thought I would give it a try, and it really was yummy.  I altered it slightly because I didn’t have any plant based mayo on hand so I made up my own version and it really works forContinueContinue reading “Chickpea “Tuna Mayo” Recipe”

Did you know that your body loves you?

Did you know that your body loves you? Every moment of every day it is working hard to keep you alive, to keep you functioning as best it can.  It is sorting through all the food and drinks you consume. It’s filtering the toxins from the atmosphere, the toxins from the ‘body care products’ youContinueContinue reading “Did you know that your body loves you?”

How to ease gas and bloating after meals

Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables are some of the most nutritious foods available to us. I recently did some research on helping a client prepare their body for pregnancy with what to eat and take while being pregnant. These 3 foods came up over and over again as being full of soContinueContinue reading “How to ease gas and bloating after meals”

Why I Eat as Healthy as Possible

People often used to ask me why I eat as healthy as I do. And I think that until you feel so uncomfortable in your body, in so much pain and really struggling every day, that you are so desperate to try anything, you don’t really understand why anyone would be really particular with theirContinueContinue reading “Why I Eat as Healthy as Possible”