Chickpea “Tuna Mayo” Recipe

The Thrive & Shine Chickpea “Tuna Mayo” I’ve seen this recipe all over social media so I thought I would give it a try, and it really was yummy.  I altered it slightly because I didn’t have any plant based mayo on hand so I made up my own version and it really works forContinueContinue reading “Chickpea “Tuna Mayo” Recipe”

Simple Watermelon Recipe

Apart from being so refreshing and hydrating in hot summer weather, watermelon has numerous health benefits.  They are full of beta-carotene (the bright pinky-red colour) which is converted into vitamin A in our bodies. Vitamin A helps maintain eye health and are also high in Vitamin C which is known to be an excellent immuneContinueContinue reading “Simple Watermelon Recipe”