How to Make Any Meal Healthier

There are so many amazing recipes available but not all of them are what I would want to eat to feel good and be healthy.But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try them. What I’ll do is swap and change some of the ingredients so that I know I’ll feel good eating it.  HereContinueContinue reading “How to Make Any Meal Healthier”

Things I Didn’t Expect to Heal When I Changed My Lifestyle

Back in 2007 when I was working in the corporate industry, my health was at its lowest and I had many issues that I needed to heal. Thankfully with some research I found the tools to do it naturally and my journey to health started. What I didn’t expect was a much calmer mind. Just eating aContinueContinue reading “Things I Didn’t Expect to Heal When I Changed My Lifestyle”

We All Need Someone To Talk To, It’s Important to Reach Out

About 9 years ago I was not dealing very well with a situation happening in my life. I was overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and slumped into a depression. I was binge eating to numb the pain that I was feeling. And I couldn’t digest the food properly because I was feeling so anxious which didn’t make me feelContinueContinue reading “We All Need Someone To Talk To, It’s Important to Reach Out”

What Is Lycopene and How Does It Benefit Our Bodies?

I was looking up the nutrient profile of grapefruit the other day because I have been adding it to my juices.I felt really good consuming it so I wanted to know what was in it and share this information. What I found is that it has lycopene in it. I remember reading about lycopene aContinueContinue reading “What Is Lycopene and How Does It Benefit Our Bodies?”

4 Benefits of Spending Time in Silence

When last did you give yourself time to just BE? I spent some time right by the ocean last week. Although I live about 15 minutes from the ocean anyway, this was a lot closer and I could walk there. Instead of getting stuck in the hustle and bustle of life I took the timeContinueContinue reading “4 Benefits of Spending Time in Silence”